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Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, gr. 1310


Additional Information

  • Appr. Date: 15th c. (15th c.)
  • Genres: Varia
  • Illustrations: No


BnF Ancien fonds: Codex parisinus græcus 1310 (Medicianus-Regius 3118; olim 1334; olim 447; olim mccxix; olim 29).  Paper, second half of the fifteenth century (Moore p. 736, but see below), 344 folios.  Thesaurus litterarum: John Tzetzes, John Zonaras, Paul the Silentiary, the History of Tantalus, maxims (sententiæ), Michael Psellus, Battle of the Frogs & Mice, Procopius on silkworms, Theodore Ptochoprodromus, Æsop's fables, Empedocles, &c. &c.  See Omont in Online Resources for details.  

One of the scribes according to Πίνακες is the Νικόλαος Σοφιανός of the Repert. der griech. Kopisten nos. 1.318, 2.437, 3.517.  There are at least two scholars by that name: one from Corcyra and one from Crete, both from the sixteenth century (see Sathas pp. in Bibliography and Online Resources), one of them a scribe also in Parisinis græcis 414, 433, 1162, 1305, 1661, 1963, 2365, 2400, 2415, 2517, 2592 and 2961 (see footnotes in Vogel & Gardthausen in Online Resources for more on his identity, as well as Hody). If the Νικόλαος Σοφιανός of Paris. gr. 1310 be the same as that in the mss. above, then 1310 will have to be redated to the sixteenth century. (He does not to our eyes seem to be the same as the Nicolaus Sophianus of Scorialensis 79 (nota antiqua σ.i.19), for whom see "Escorial Copyist" in our Online Resources.)

Three-page table of contents (Latin) at the beginning of the manuscript.  At least one "bis" folio (no. 70).

5r  Ἔλεγχος κατὰ Γραίκων [οὕτω] περὶ τῆς προσθήκης τοῦ ἁγίου συμβόλου.

34r  Pseudo-Psellus, Iambs to the Twelve Prophets (in this ms. same as Lavras Θ.214) (TLG 2702.015, no. 90; Iter Psellianum no. 1142 (POE.90; pp. 517sq.); BHG & Auct. 156e). Cf. Parisini græci 1310, 1782, 2872, 3058, and Supplément grec 1090.

66r  Hesiodi Opera & Dies cum Tzetzæ commentariis (vel fortaße Procli sub nomine Tz.?) (TLG 5025.002).

134r  Τὰ ἔθιμα τὰ ἀρκτικά.  Incipit, «Πλησίον μὲν τῆς Μαιώτιδος λίμνης · οἱ Μαιῶται · Σαυρομάται · ἐπὶ τὴν ἄπειρον καὶ πολλὴν κατοικοῦσι γῆν» (cf. Nicephorus Blemmydes, TLG 3092.006, p. 463).

139r  Glossæ Tzetzæ in Oppiani Halieutica (TLG 4171.001, ed. e cod. Paris. gr. 2735).

162v  Tzetzæ vel Tzetzarum commentarri in Lycophronem (TLG 5030.001).  Ἱστορίαι ἃς μέμνηται Λυκόφρων ὁ τραγῳδὸς ἐν τῇ αὐτοῦ μονῳδίᾳ τῇ πρὸς Πρίαμον καὶ Τρῶας ἐξηγηθεπισαι κατὰ λέξιν· παρὰ τοῦ σοφοτάτου γραμματικοῦ κυροῦ Ἰσαακίου τοῦ Τζέτζου.  «Πρίαμος ὁ Λευκίππης καὶ Λαομέδοντος· ἐξ Ἑκάβης τῆς Δύμαντος, ἢ τῆς Κισσέας θυγατρὸς διδύμους παῖδας γεννᾷ...» «Τινὲς σφίγγα λέγουσιν εἶναι θυγατέρα τοῦ Λαΐου...»

216v  Glossæ  «Αἰὼν σημαίνει δε: τὰ χίλια ἔτη· τὸν τῶν αἰωνίων βίον· ἑκάστου τε ἀνθρώπου ζωήν· καὶ τὸν νωτιαῖον μυελόν:-:» (cf. Hesychius (TLG 4085.002) Alpha.2216).

261r-271v  Psellus or Pseudo-Psellus's "Timothy, or On Dæmons" ("Tardus, o Thrax, ad Byzantium occuris?"; Iter Psellianum no. 711 (THE.168; pp. 222-225)).  Cf. Parisini Coislin 228 & 280; Paris. grr. 39, 1997, 2109 and 2132.

279v-283v  Charts and graphs.

288v at the bottom:  "Desunt duo folia quæ supra reperiuntur a hoc folio 41 numeratis foliis."

Occasional glosses and marginal titles, especially in the 300's, ex. gr. fol. 372v, which has at the bottom τζαγρατόροι [poss. –όρος] "arbalists" (crossbowmen), glossed as «τοξότης».

392r  Batrachomyomachia (TLG 1220.001) cum glossis, altera manu lepidissima.

398v  The last line of the Batrachomyomachy given is «ὅστις φθειρομένοισι, ἀρωγοὺς αὐτοὺς ἔπεμψεν» (editione discrepat), with the glosses «βατράχους» (poss. –άχοις) and «βοηθοῦς».  The work picks up again, without title, on 409r (see below).

399  Anonymi opusculum de regionum et urbium hodiernis nominibus.

405v-406r  Τὰ ὀφφίκια τῆς ἁγίας τοῦ θεοῦ μεγάλης ἐκκλησίας.

408v  Procopi fragmentum de vermibus sericis (Ἐκ τῆς ἱστορικῆς πραγματείας τοῦ Προκοπίου περὶ μετάξης) (TLG 4029.001: De Bellis lib. 8, cap. 17).

409r  First line of page: «Ἦλθον δ' ἐξαίφνης ὀκτάποδες ἀγκυλόχειλοι» [οὕτω] with glosses «νωτάκμονες»and «οἱ καρκίνοι» (cf. ed.).  After the last line («καὶ πολέμου μελέτῃ πανήμερος ἐξετελέσθη:~» with further glosses closer to Allen's edition) and the subscription (in red?) «ὁμοῦ στίχοι τριακόσιοι ἐννέα» is a ditty from the Greek Anthology Appendix (TLG 7052.004, no. 90 «Εἰς τὴν Βατραχομυομαχίαν»):
Ὅμηρος αὐτοῦ γυμνᾶσαι γνῶσιν θέλων,
τῶν βατράχων ἔπλασε καὶ μυῶν μῦθον,
ἔνθεν παρορμῶν πρὸς μίμησιν τοὺς νέους:~

429v  Theodore Ptochoprodromus, Carmen politicum no. 3 (TLG 5074.001).

443v  Psellus, On the Genesis of Man (Περὶ γεννήσεως καὶ φθορᾶς ἀνθρωπίνων σωμάτων): excerpts from John Lydus' Περὶ Μηνῶν 4.26 (Wünsch), wrongly attributed to Libanius (TLG 2200.013, frag. 93; Iter Psellianum no. 1040 (CET.DISC.21; pp. 422-425)). Cf. also Paris. grr. 1000, 1346, 1720, 1766, 1788, 2229, 2892 [in Omont sub nom. Plinii], 2894, 3023, and Suppl. gr. 607A.

444v  Περὶ τῶν εὑρισκομένων μετάλλων ἐν τῇ νήσῳ Κύπρου: desinit «ἐν ἑτέροις δὲ ὄρεσι φασὶ τῆς Κύπρου γίνεται ὁ σίδηρος· ὁ ὕελος καὶ πᾶσα ὕλη τιμία:~»   Πίναξ, κλπ.


  • Inventaire sommaire des manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothèque nationale (Open in Zotero)
  • Iter Psellianum: A Detailed Listing of Manuscript Sources for All Works Attributed to Michael Psellos, Including a Comprehensive Bibliography (Open in Zotero)
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