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Royall Tyler to Mildred Barnes Bliss, December 21, 1933

Finance Ministry

Elisina has just had a letter from Sangiorgi (Palazzo Borghese, via Ripetta, Rome) offering that Longobard enameled roundel of which I wrote to you,See letter of August 21, 1933. and Robert has a photo, for Lire 80,000. Elisina is answering Sangiorgi that if he had offered it last summer for 80,000 instead of 150,000 he would have had a much better chance of selling it than he has now; and that in the meantime she has made several important purchases from a Syrian dealer at BeiroutElias (Elie) Bustros, an antiquities dealer in Beirut, Lebanon. See letter of Feburary 6, 1935. who always starts by asking his bed-rock price, and with whom there’s never any element of bargaining. Rather severe, but true. Elisina did get, at Beirout, some very beautiful pre-Columbian gold pectoral plaques,The identity of the Pre-Columbian pieces is not known. which you shall see one day.

However, I hasten to inform you of Sangiorgi’s changed figure, for that enameled roundel really is a marvel, a marvel, and I think you’d do well to get it at the price now asked. In fact, I’ll wire you today about it.See telegram of December 22, 1933.

It is sweet to think that Bill is going to you for Xmas.

Love and blessings,

R. T.