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Elisina Tyler to Mildred Barnes Bliss, June 12, 1913


June 12th 1913.Thursday.

Dearest Mildred,

I am correcting the dispositions of nature by sending you a serious letter to read, and a frivolous poem for Robert. But in order to re-establish the balance in your favour I should add that “Kaldos” and all the other anonymous correspondents who filled the columns of the Times with letters purporting to represent the honest convictions of the great British Public, were subsequently discovered to be young men in the offices of the Times itself,—in the advertisement department, of course, not on the literary staff. I have met several pompous and portentous people who repeated solemnly the phrases and sentiments thus provided for them and adopted the sentiments and figures without question; though had they known it wasn’t all “fair play” they would have waddled at once into the other camp, by way of a protest, of course.

Someday I shall write a vigorous and succinct account of the art of publishing, and the plot of the “Times Book Club” will be worked out to its denouement. Publishing is the only really dramatic and human profession left in the world, in which the personal equation is ever paramount. If I am born again I shall be a publisher.

When you have done with the Times excerpts do, if it’s not too much trouble, send them or give them back to me.

As to the Ballad,This poem was not preserved with the letter transcription. it circulates in manuscript, and is said to have annoyed George V.King George V of England (1865–1936), who ruled from 1910 until 1936. As for Queen Mary,Mary of Teck (1867–1953), queen consort as the wife of King George V. I was told she once proudly averred “We are prigs, and we intend to remain prigs,” (with the emphasis where I have put it.) So she can only regard it as a paean of praise, if she is consistent. Is she, though?

Dearest Mildred, enjoy the shade of your tree at Compiègne.Compiègne, a city in northern France on the Oise River. Compiègne has a forest famous for its picturesque natural attractions and large stands of oak and beech trees. We have seen a flat we should like on the Ile-Saint-Louis,21, Quai de Bourbon.—if we are turned out of this. We shall know tomorrow.

My best love, and good wishes to Robert for his flight into Switzerland. Royall joins in everything.

Yours always,


JulieJulie Mendiboure, William Royall Tyler's nanny. has gone quite mad and checks me all the time!

Associated Places: Paris (France)