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Elisina Tyler to Mildred Barnes Bliss and Robert Woods Bliss, January 13, 1938

New York, January 13th 1938

Dearest Mildred and Robert,

I know now that I had not lived an hour of free happy spiritual life since that telegram hit me in Rome on the 3rd of June,Regarding the illness of Edith Wharton. until yesterday evening; and you have given me resurrection, with those lovely objectsThese objects have not been identified. to complete the sense of happiness at being with you.

My most glowing thanks!

Dear Mildred, I feel remorse at the idea of your adding Sainte Claire to your manifold preoccupations. Do not let it weight on your mind, and if it has to wait, it must wait. But you must not tire yourself.

I find a heavy mail here, and three wonderful letters from Royall, telling me of a show of ancient textiles in Rome,See Luigi Serra, L’antico tessuto d’arte italiano nella Mostra del tessile nazionale (Roma—1937-38-XVI) (Rome: La Libreria dello Stato, 1937). which was splendid, and contained several things that have not been shown in accessible places.

I shall go and see the HorseBZ.1938.12. at Brummer’s. Meantime, and always, my very loving thoughts go back to you.

Yours ever


Associated People: Joseph Brummer
Associated Places: Rome (Italy)