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Royall Tyler to Robert Woods Bliss, April 22, 1937

22nd April 1937.

Dear Robert,

Last night I had your cable of the 21st and replied as follows:See telegram of April 21, 1937 [3].

“Thanks cable twenty-first stop writing friend you not interested such figures and suggesting he attempt more attractive arrangement stop meantime you will get photos my cable april ninth and perhaps photos archaic objectsThese Archaic Greek sculptures have not been identified. stop making clear to friend any price must include all commissions.”

This morning I have your cableSee telegram of April 21, 1937 [1]. saying you approve of acquiring Stephen,BZ.1937.19. I am immediately taking steps to do so. I think you will be glad to have him.

I made it clear to our friend, in several letters, that he must put up a more attractive proposition if he wants to interest you in Prince L.’s reliefs.BZ.1937.23 and BZ.1938.62. I think it is probably better not to make any offer until our friend and F. have got it into their heads that the figures first suggested were preposterous. I send you enclosed a copy of a list of Prince L.’s things.This list is retained in the Byzantine Collection, Royall Tyler correspondence file. I have told our friend that it is no use hoping to interest you in anything unless photographs can be supplied.

I am also sending you a letter I have just had from Kalebdjian with a drawing of a very attractive little Byzantine bronze bird,This little Byzantine bronze bird has not been identified. which you might like.

Much love


R. T.

Associated People: Friedrich (“Fritz”) Volbach
Associated Things: Kalebdjian Frères