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Royall Tyler to Mildred Barnes Bliss, April 28, 1930 [1]

Post Office Telegraphs
Robert Woods Bliss
Claridges Hotel London

Your radio received.See telegram of April 27, 1930. Have bought for you numbers 26 and 57. Total about two thousand dollars which sum please transfer to my account Hambros Stop 48 was disappointing on inspection.See Paul Clemen, Otto von Falke, and Georg Swarzenski, Die Sammlung Dr. Leopold Seligmann, Köln (Berlin: Hermann Ball–Paul Graupe, 1930). No. 26: Early Christian bronze lampstand (BZ.1930.5), pl. 8; no. 48: Ravannate or Egyptian champlevé enamel with Saints Constantine and Helen, pl. 13; and no. 57: Venetian, thirteenth-century ivory Eucharastic spoon, pl. 14. No. 57, which was auctioned and acquired as a Venetian thirteenth-century ivory Eucharistic spoon with a pelican finial, is now identified as an Edo (Benin) sixteenth- or seventeenth-century export carving. It is in the National Museum of African Art, Washington, D.C., acc. no. 69-20-4, a bequest of Mildred Barnes Bliss. Love Tyler