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Gregory proedros and doux of Thessalonica (eleventh century)



Bust of the Mother of God orans with medallion of Christ on her breast. Sigla: ̅ΘΥ̅: Μή(τη)ρ Θ(εο)ῦ. Border of dots.


Inscription of five lines preceded and followed by decoration. Double border of dots.


Θ(εοτό)κε β(οή)θ(ει) Γρηγορίῳ προέδρῳ (καὶ) δουκὶ Θεσσαλονίκ(ης)


Bust of the Mother of God orans with medallion of Christ on her breast. Sigla: ̅ΘΥ̅: Μή(τη)ρ Θ(εο)ῦ. Border of dots.


Inscription of five lines preceded and followed by decoration. Double border of dots.


Θ(εοτό)κε β(οή)θ(ει) Γρηγορίῳ προέδρῳ (καὶ) δουκὶ Θεσσαλονίκ(ης)

Accession number BZS.1955.1.2365
Diameter 22.0 mm
Previous Editions

DO Seals 1, no. 18.15a.


Θεοτόκε βοήθει Γρηγορίῳ προέδρῳ καὶ δουκὶ Θεσσαλονίκης.

Mother of God, help Gregory proedros and doux of Thessalonica.


The owner of this seal lived well into the eleventh century, after the title of proedros had been given to more than one person by Constantine VIII (1025-28); he should not by any means be identified with the doux Gregory Taronites (989-996), who was simply magistros when he died (Skylitzes, 339, 341).


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