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Royall Tyler to Robert Woods Bliss, April 25, 1938

League of Nations


Dear Robert.

I’ve heard from de la RancherayeDe La Rancheraye et Cie., a shipping company in Paris. that Bustros’sElias (Elie) Bustros, an antiquities dealer in Beirut, Lebanon. marble tabernacleBZ.1938.56. has arrived in Paris, & will be shipped on “City of Baltimore” sailing May 2d. I’ve ordered my bankers to pay Bustros ($300). I’ve told Rancheraye to collect freight & insurance dues from you.

I’ve now got a passage on “Queen Mary” sailing May 18th, & due N.Y. May 23d.

I’d like to come straight to Washington, & in fact to the Oaks.

Will that be all right.

Bustros says he is shortly going to send me a photo of an enamel!!!

I’m longing to hear what you think of the photo of Geoffrey Dodge’s ivory.BZ.1939.8. No recent news from Fiedler. I think he’s still in the Fatherland. Love to you both

R. T.