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Elisina Tyler to Mildred Barnes Bliss and Robert Woods Bliss, July 1, 1930

21, quai Bourbon
F Odéon 31–33
July 1st 1930Tuesday.

Dearest Mildred and Robert,

The death of the ‘Odéon’ exchangeAn obscure reference probably to the metro station in the Faubourg Odéon in Paris.—(cosas de Francia)“French affairs.”—has made the last three days very hectic, and it was quite impossible for me to come yesterday morning to Kelekian, to catch a last glimpse of you.

I hug the memory of a whole bunch of delightful hours spent with you, and I wish you a happy and safe journey, and oh, if possible, a very speedy return!

My best and truest love to you both

Yours ever and as ever,

Associated People: Dikran G. Kelekian
Associated Places: Paris (France)