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Elisina Tyler to Mildred Barnes Bliss, June 23, 1914


June 23rd 1914Tuesday.

Dearest Mildred,

Time goes by so horribly fast. Here we are at the beginning of the summer—[word or words not transcribed from the original letter]Several of the autograph letters of Elisina Tyler were not included in William Royall Tyler’s gift of the Bliss-Tyler correspondence to Harvard University (see The Early Letters (1902–1908), note 1). At Harvard, these letters exist only in typed transcriptions where, often, foreign words and phrases from the original letters are not transcribed. omen,—and I expect we shall soon have to go away, though we don’t yet know where we shall spend the summer! We should so much like to see you both. Won’t you dine here quietly one evening, either this Saturday or Saturday week, June 27th, or July 4th? It would be a very great pleasure for us.

Royall and I will have to go to Brussels, and we propose to send William and his ManéMadeleine Lavie. See letter of December 8, 1914. to some hotel in Burgundy the while. Our good TheresaTheresa, a domestic in the Tylers’ household, has not been identified. will take her leisure in her own home. We have been so silly about getting a place for the summer. It is partly owing to VegaVega has not been identified. [word or words not transcribed from the original letter]Several of the autograph letters of Elisina Tyler were not included in William Royall Tyler’s gift of the Bliss-Tyler correspondence to Harvard University (see The Early Letters (1902–1908), note 1). At Harvard, these letters exist only in typed transcriptions where, often, foreign words and phrases from the original letters are not transcribed. pamphlets . . . but I don’t believe you even know about that. Oh Mildred! that means that it’s ages since we met.

I hope you and Robert are both very well.

William is a large and forceful person, and Royall and I are proportionately diminished. Still there is something of us left to come to dinner with.

Mrs. HenwoodSee letters of April 21, 1914; May 5, 1914; May 18, 1914; and November 8, 1914. blesses you and hopes the Lord will give you your reward.

Our joint love to Robert, and my very best love to you.

Ever yours, as ever,


Associated Places: Paris (France)