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Elisina Tyler to Mildred Barnes Bliss, October 31, 1926

October 31st 1926.Sunday.

Dearest Mildred,

I went back to Kalebdjian’s on Friday, with Hayford, whose appetite for Egyptian pots is unsated, and who hankers after a grey bowl.See also letter of October 19, 1926. “De fil en aiguilles”.“One thing leading to another.” Kalebdjian came to show us photographs of a Byzantine silver treasure found in Syria. I considered these objects so beautiful and interesting, that I told him to send the photographs for you and Robert to see, and to tell you all about it.

You see the likeness to our two objects,The paten (BZ.1924.5) and chalice (BZ.1955.18). don’t you.

Kalebdjian had only one copy of photographs and could not get another. But a “notice” on the Treasure was published by Diehl, (who does not see their beauty) in an eclectic publication called “Syria”, and I am sending you the particular number in which his article appeared. In order to obtain that one number, you will have to submit to receiving the other 11 of the year!

Wasn’t Kalebdjian foolish not to show us the photographs the other day when we could have enjoyed them together?

It was so delightful seeing you in such an untrammeled way, and it is such a delightful memory to keep by one.

May MorrisMary “May” Morris (1862–1938), an English embroidery designer and editor who was the daughter of the artist and designer William Morris. tells me she encouraged Robert to come and have a look at Antigny. A few more persuasive sirens seem to be required yet, alas. I am anxious to collect them and set them to work on you.

I have excellent news of Royall, who is enjoying his brief visit to London. I am staying here till the dentist has finished with me.

I am thinking of you on your journey,Mildred Barnes Bliss was returning to Stockholm from France. and praying for you to the powerful gods of the sea. My very best love, to you both.

Yours ever,

Associated People: Charles Diehl; Hayford Peirce
Associated Places: Paris (France)